Formal Assessment

Units 1-4

21st October 2015

Assessor – Jo Collon

For my first formal assessment, Jo and I looked through the entire content of my blog and work that I have created so far in the units 1-4. Overall she seemed to be happy with my progress, especially with the wobbly start I had at the beginning of the course when i was unsure if I was capable of producing good work. I am so happy to have stuck with FAD as i now feel on track and more confident. From what JO could see on my blog and throughout the development of my work, she believes i can achieve a lot on the FAD course and be a high achiever as long as i keep it up. This has given me confidence and a sense of ambition too aim for her prediction.

Too get my blog and work up to a higher level and improve I have a few targets that Jo has set me, these are as follows:

  • Analyse more in depth when discussing completed work, I need too go into more detail about strengths and weaknesses about talk about the process along with why it has been successful or enjoyable to me.
  • In lectures, we have discussed vocabulary which will see us through to upgrading our professional language which will help to achieve the distinctions level grade. I need to embed this language more within my blog posts and annotation. To further help this target and my self I could get more involved in group discussions and also by visiting museums and looking at the description of the works I will learn new language.
  • I also need to add a broader range of research. incorporating more artists and designers, looking for inspiration from surroundings, looking through books and magazines.
  • Add blog posts about film screenings, lectures and informal tutorials too keep on track of advice given and thought processes. This will help too shape a direction for my work and by keeping notes of all influences a clearer understanding will be made.
  • Starting a sketch book is important for visual representation. using a pencil write vague notes about the work in the book and expand in more detail on my blog. This will help me to be more experimental.
  • Set on going targets for my self and progress evaluations.